In material contract the contractor undertakes contract for the material portion. All materials for the construction are arranged and supplied at the site of work by the contractor, the material contractor engages material land gets the work done according to specifications. The contract is on item rate basis for material portion only and contractor is paid for the quantities of material the different items of work at the stipulated rate in the contract agreement. Materials for scaffolding, centering and stuttering and other similar materials are supplied by the contractor, contractor may also use his own materials for scaffolding, centering and shuttering, etc., if provided in the agreement. Contractor are arranged the tools and plants and machineries. An agreement with all conditions of contract, rates, etc., is prepared before the works given out to the contractor. This system of contract is not generally adopted in the Government CE8701 ESTIMATION,COSTING AND VALUATION ENGINEERING department. Private buildings are however constructed by material contract system which is less trouble some.